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  • Дата: Пятница, 18.10.2024, 08:40
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Адвокаты Московской коллегии адвокатов «Бастион» имеют немалый опыт работы в различных организациях и учреждениях, в том числе в прокуратуре, органах внутренних дел, судах, службы судебных приставов, министерстве юстиции, исполнительных органах власти, крупных государственных корпорациях, в частных зарубежных и российских компаниях, а также во многих других структурах и организациях.
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Адвокатская контора по сути является Коллегией адвокатов Москвы и Московской области, поскольку объединяет высококвалифицированных адвокатов Москвы и адвокатов Московской области. Юристы нашей группы правовых компаний предоставляют на территории Таганского района в центре Москвы все виды юридических услуг организациям и гражданам.

На официальном сайте Московской городской коллегии адвокатов "Бастион" Вы можете найти, пожалуй, одних из лучших адвокатов и юристов по любому юридическому вопросу, в том числе по самым сложным делам и судебным спорам.

В нашей адвокатской фирме работают грамотные и опытные юристы в области уголовного, гражданского, жилищного, семейного, наследственного, семейного, земельного, трудового, страхового, налогового, корпоративного, арбитражного, административного и других отраслей права. Если Вы нуждаетесь в юридической помощи, то здесь Вы можете найти список нужных сайтов .

Добавлено (18.10.2024, 10:27)
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Адвокаты компании «Первый Иск» обладают высоким уровнем юридической квалификации в разных правовых областях и гарантируют необходимую грамотную поддержку. Ведь по версии независимого рейтинга адвокатов и юридических фирм Москвы, наша компания "Первый иск" занимает ТОП 5 рейтинга!
Закажите услуги адвоката, имеющего в практике выигранные уголовные дела. Юрист разберет ситуацию и составив стратегию защиты. Гонорар обсуждается и зависит от сложности дела. Гарантировано качественная работа от начала до конца. Действенная помощь адвоката на следствии и в суде.

Защищаем по этим статьям: взятки, вымогательство, грабеж, ДТП с тяжкими телесными, изнасилование, использование подложного документа, клевета, контрабанда, кража, мошенничество, налоговые преступления, наркотики, организация проституции, причинение вреда здоровью, разбой, растрата, убийство, угроза убийством, фиктивная регистрация, халатность, хулиганство и др.

Добавлено (18.10.2024, 10:28)
Московская коллегия адвокатов — юридическая помощь, услуги адвоката в Москве
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Без паники! У вас сложилась трудная жизненная ситуация? Возникла проблема в области права? Нужна юридическая помощь? Не паникуйте, мы обязательно поможем вам разобраться! С помощью нашего сайта, вы можете связаться с уголовными адвокатами и юристами Московской коллегии адвокатов или адвокатами в другом городе, получить юридическую консультацию по срочным вопросам, не выходя из дома.

Помните! Если у вас сложилась трудная или спорная правовая ситуация, если вы понимаете, что не справляетесь сами, лучше как можно раньше обратиться за помощью к адвокату, избежав при этом неблагоприятных последствий. Часто самостоятельно проделанная доверителем работа в дальнейшем мешает работе адвоката над делом.

Помощь адвоката избавит вас от лишних переживаний, сэкономит ваше время и поможет избежать последующих финансовых затрат. Кроме того, в таких случаях, как уголовное преследование, защита адвоката абсолютно необходима.
О Коллегии
Московская коллегия адвокатов — это некоммерческая организация, которая на протяжении длительного времени оказывает квалифицированную юридическую помощь гражданам и организациям. В Московской коллегии адвокатов все специалисты с высшим юридическим образованием; наши адвокаты, при получении статуса, выдержали сложный квалификационный экзамен, имеют внушительный опыт и успешную многолетнюю судебную практику. В коллегии служат как рядовые адвокаты, так и заслуженные, имеющие статус «Почетный адвокат России».

Каждый адвокат нашей Московской коллегии адвокатов приносил присягу адвоката. Для нас это не просто слова: «Торжественно клянусь честно и добросовестно исполнять обязанности адвоката, защищать права, свободы и интересы доверителей, руководствуясь Конституцией Российской Федерации, законом и кодексом профессиональной этики адвоката».

Добавлено (18.10.2024, 10:47)
Auction house withdraws shrunken heads and other human remains from sale following outcry
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An auction house in England has withdrawn human remains, including shrunken heads and ancestral skulls, from sale following an outcry.

The Swan auction house in Tetsworth, Oxfordshire withdrew more than two dozen lots from an upcoming auction titled “The Curious Collector Sale,” including an 18th-century Tsantsa shrunken head, which was expected to fetch ?20,000-?25,000 ($26,000-$33,000) and was previously owned by Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine.

Other withdrawn lots include an ancestral skull from the Solomon Islands, another from the Fon tribe in Benin and a double ancestor skull from Congo.

The planned sale of another piece, described as a 19th-century horned Naga human skull, drew criticism from Neiphiu Rio, Chief Minister of the Indian state of Nagaland.
Rio wrote to India’s External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, asking him to intervene “to ensure that the auction of the human remains of our people is halted.”

In his letter, Rio said he had been informed about the auction by the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), a grouping of organizations that works to reconcile different Naga political groups, some of which have engaged in armed struggle for independence from India in recent decades.

In its letter to Rio, the FNR said it “condemns this inhumane and violent practice where indigenous ancestral human remains continue to be collector’s items.”

“Such auctions continue the policy of dehumanization and colonial violence on the Naga people,” it added.

Another of those to criticize the planned sale was Laura Van Broekhoven, director of the Pitt Rivers Museum, which is part of the University of Oxford.

“Please, immediately pull from tomorrow’s auction the human and ancestral remains of Naga, Shuar, Dayak, Kota, Fon, Vili people and other communities in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Nigeria, Congo, Ecuador, Nagaland, Benin,” she wrote in a post on X on Tuesday.

Добавлено (18.10.2024, 11:49)
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Мы успешно защищаем права и свободы юридических и физических лиц. Колоссальный и зачастую уникальный опыт, а также высокая квалификация наших сотрудников позволяют нам достигать результата, в максимальной степени отвечающего интересам клиента. Наши специалисты состоят в адвокатской палате которая на сегодняшний день является наиболее авторитетной в России. Благодаря многочленным блистательным победам в громких и, по мнению многих, бесперспективных делах, наши сотрудники снискали уважение не только в РФ, но и за рубежом.
Если вам нужен адвокат в Москве просто обратитесь к нам и вы получите квалифицированную помощь в решении ваших проблем. Как показывает практика, в большинстве дел, в которых принимали участие наши адвокаты, суд выносил решение в пользу их клиентов. Кроме того, мы осуществляем страхование своей ответственности на 5 млн рублей. Такие гарантии вам не предложит ни одна юридическая компания.

Стоит отметить, что за все то время, что работает наша компания не было прецедента, когда в результате действий наших специалистов клиенту был бы нанесен ущерб и возникла необходимость в страховой поддержке.

  • Дата: Пятница, 18.10.2024, 12:05
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  • Дата: Пятница, 18.10.2024, 12:12
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Pierce said that the mpa also wanted her to shorten the duration of the female orgasm, arguing that it lasts “a year or two.” Since Pierce wanted her <a href=https://sathub.co.za/artificial-intelligence-could-wipe-out-humanity-biggest-names-in-technology-warn/>https://sathub.co.za/artificial-intelligence-could-wipe-out-humanity-biggest-names-in-technology-warn/</a> to be watched as much as possible by more of moviegoers, taking into account its subject matter, she softened such moments and was able to get an r rating.
  • Дата: Пятница, 18.10.2024, 12:31
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  • Дата: Пятница, 18.10.2024, 18:28
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  • Дата: Пятница, 18.10.2024, 18:32
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What Reason Engaging An SSA Impairment Lawyer Is Vital.
Enlisting A SSA Incapability Counsel Is Indispensable.

The State Supplementary Assistance Directs several projects from layoff benefits to economic relief, and also manages ineptitude allowances for citizens powerless to perform due to long-term sickness or wound. As with each and every involved agency, there are laws and policies which must be followed by the aforementioned organization in orderliness to attain beneficial outcomes. Considering hiring an expert Social Security Advisory attorney May be key.

Hiring the qualified SSDI law practitioner will guide you maneuver the complexities of Social Security Administration SSA, improving your probability of approval for beneficial outcomes. They might confirm that your submission is registered accurately and includes substantiating medical evidence; additionally, they know how to collect this evidence promptly so it is not turned in late; in addition, they can circumvent presenting irrelevant data that may trigger hindrances and denials by the Shielding Social Assets.

Your expert in disability matters will also equip you for a hearing with SSA if your application is turned down, by explaining what to anticipate at it and responding to any of your inquiries about what happens there. They could assist with presenting additional evidence and requesting the justice who heard your legal case to review their ruling and interrogate witnesses or vocational experts called by SSA to testify on your behalf, which can increase the likelihood that an primary disability appeal prevails if initially denied. SSD attorneys might get back any past due benefits because of changes in the starting date, which denotes when your condition began. Competent champions for disabled individuals could guide with regaining any past due advantages that could have been lost thanks to changes in the starting date or when your ailment began.

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  • Дата: Суббота, 19.10.2024, 04:11
  • Сообщение # 8317
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The magical white stone wonderland with effervescent bathing pools
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From a distance, Pamukkale looks every bit like a ski resort, with a cascade of brilliant white slopes and a scattering of tourists at the top, seemingly preparing to slalom down into the valley below.

So why isn’t it melting away as midsummer temperatures nudge toward 100 Fahrenheit, or 37 Celsius, and the heat hangs in the shimmering air?

Because this unusual and beautiful wonder, located deep in the sunkissed hills of southwestern Turkey, isn’t snow at all. In fact the water it’s formed from sometimes spurts out of the ground at boiling point.

And those visitors milling around its upper reaches aren’t going anywhere fast. Most are here to take in the extraordinary spectacle – and either paddle or soak in some of the planet’s most photogenic pools.

Today, Pamukkale’s travertine limestone slopes and pools, filled with milky blue mineral water, are perfect for Instagram moments, especially as the magic hour evening sun casts their rippled surfaces in hues of pink.

Gateway to Hell
But this place was a tourist sensation thousands of years before social media, as first Greeks, then Romans flocked here for the thermal waters and to pay tribute at what was revered as a gateway to Hell.

Today, Pamukkale and the ancient city of Hierapolis, which sprawls across the plateau above the white terraces, are part of a UNESCO World Heritage site that pulls in coachloads of visitors. Typically, many visit for a couple of hours, but it’s worth spending at least a day in this geological and historical playground.

Добавлено (19.10.2024, 09:36)
A series of cosmic outbursts
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Pons-Brooks recently captured the attention of astronomers after exhibiting intriguing behavior that caused the comet to have a horned appearance and soar through our solar system.
The comet has experienced a number of outbursts during the past eight months, causing it to eject gas and dust. While such releases are not uncommon in comets and a crescent or Pac-Man shape has been observed in other ones, it’s difficult to tell what is normal for Pons-Brooks.
“I would say it’s somewhat unusual in the number of outbursts it’s been having,” Schleicher said. “On the other hand, it’s not like you have good records from the past to really let you know what is typical. And I suspect given the fairly large number of outbursts that have happened over the last eight months, that this is very clearly a usual occurrence for Pons-Brooks.”

Comets are chunks of dust, rock and ice, essentially frozen remnants from the formation of the solar system. They also contain frozen elements such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Comets heat up and brighten as they approach the sun, and some of the frozen gases stored in comets don’t need to warm up much before they begin to turn into vapor, Schleicher said.

Добавлено (19.10.2024, 09:37)
Elon Musk has been getting Trumpier. A direct line to Trump may be next
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Elon Musk has sought to accumulate political capital commensurate with his extravagant wealth. In the past year, Musk has publicly opined on global conflicts, met with numerous world leaders and US senators to discuss artificial intelligence and his space and satellite technologies. And he has courted senior Chinese officials on their home turf.

Now he is reportedly exploring what could be his next political project: Becoming an adviser to Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
Musk has discussed advising Trump should he win the 2024 election, the Journal reported, citing unnamed sources. Musk called Trump directly via cellphone to explore a role that could potentially give Musk significant influence over US policies. It’s not clear based on the Journal’s reporting which party initiated conversations about the potential role.

The Trump campaign did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment; Musk also did not respond to the Wall Street Journal, but Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told the outlet: “President Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency.”

Musk pushed back on the Journal report in a post on X Thursday, saying: “There have not been any discussions of a role for me in a potential Trump Presidency.”

However, a potential role in a future Trump administration could expand upon the role that Musk played in the previous Trump administration, when he served on two business advisory councils before quitting them over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.

The privilege of whispering in Trump’s ear, should he win reelection, could give the billionaire – who is increasingly steeped in the rhetoric and imagery of the conservative culture wars – even more power on the global stage. Reporting that Musk and Trump’s relationship has improved comes after Musk’s politics have become more aligned with Trump’s.

Musk has made supporting right-wing causes — and extremism, in some situations — increasingly central to his identity. He has vocally opposed Covid-19 lockdowns and embraced anti-vaccine ideology. He has elevated conservative speech on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he purchased in 2022. And he has pushed racist conspiracy theories about immigration.

Добавлено (19.10.2024, 13:57)

Roman Vasilenko Has a Good Name

The entrepreneur works honestly and conscientiously.

Roman Vasilenko, a famous Russian social entrepreneur, public figure, and cultural activist, has faced persecution from law enforcement and political structures since 2021, which led him to leave Russia.

His good name and unblemished reputation, earned over many years in social entrepreneurship, prompted law enforcement to investigate and dismiss the claims made by his competitors.

Who is Vasilenko?
Roman Vasilenko was born into a military family (both his parents were officers in the naval aviation). His childhood and school years were spent in military garrisons.

He received a military-financial education, graduating from the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School. After completing his studies, he served as an officer in the Russian Navy, achieving the rank of Captain, 3rd Rank. He also holds a civilian legal education.

In 1998, he retired from military service as the head of the financial department of one of the military units of the Leningrad (Kronstadt) naval base of the Baltic Fleet.

After retiring, he worked in the fields of real estate and finance, including securities, holding positions from financial consultant to director.

In 2009, he founded the International Business Academy (IBA) in St. Petersburg (state educational license No. 1901 from 25.05.2016).

In 2014, he established the marketing company "Life-is-Good" and the housing cooperative "Best Way," later a consumer cooperative. Until February 2021, he served as the cooperative's chairman, and from February 2021 to February 2022, as chairman of the cooperative's council. He is now a regular member. He holds a doctorate in economics.

He has received numerous state and public awards, as have his projects.

He is married and a father of four.

Business Trainer
Roman Vasilenko is a renowned business trainer across the post-Soviet space. He is the founder of the International Business Academy (IBA), which holds a state educational license and is famous throughout Russia for its courses taught by world-class business trainers like Allan Pease, Andreas Vince, and others.

Vasilenko has lectured at major venues in Russia, including the "Rossiya" concert hall (7,000 attendees), MSA Luzhniki (nearly 9,000 attendees), "Olympic Stadium" (20,000 attendees), and "Gazprom Arena" (30,000 attendees). His lecture fees have reached hundreds of millions of rubles.


Vasilenko is also involved in business coaching and individual business consulting. He is one of the most popular coaches in Russia and the CIS. His enterprise generated 150 million rubles annually, or 2–2.5 million euros, from which taxes were paid.

Creator of Social Housing Program

Roman Vasilenko is the author and creator of the largest cooperative housing program in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, primarily represented by the Russian cooperative "Best Way." The cooperative has 20,000 members across Russia and has acquired 2,635 properties for its members. The cooperative's financial capital exceeds 4 billion rubles, making it the largest social housing program in the world.

Professional in the Securities Market

Vasilenko has studied financial transactions both in Russia and abroad. He has experience in conducting billion-ruble deals, with all necessary taxes duly paid.

Law-Abiding Taxpayer

All of Vasilenko's transactions are conducted officially, and he consistently pays taxes on all his income.

Management Expert

Roman Vasilenko is recognized in the world of international business. Few can claim to have collaborated with Donald Trump or shared the stage with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Allan Pease, Andreas Vince, and Muhammad Ali.

High-Level Competence

Vasilenko's level of education and competence is very high. In 2014, he defended his dissertation at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, earning a degree in economics. The topic was "Strategies and Mechanisms for Developing Affordable Housing Markets in Russia's Regions."

In 2015, he defended another dissertation at the European University in Hanover, Germany, titled "Methodology, Methods, Patterns, and Laws of Road Construction in the Region (Example of Leningrad Oblast)" and earned a doctorate in economics.

He also holds a master's degree in law and has extensive knowledge of financial markets gained from studying at leading Western universities and practical experience.

Business Author

Roman Vasilenko is a renowned business author in the Russian-speaking world. He wrote the bestseller "Success Hunter: How to Achieve Your Goal," and is currently working on another book. The accompanying film has garnered 27 million views across various platforms.

"Success Hunter" is sold in bookstores and online marketplaces across Russia, with multiple reprints amounting to several hundred thousand copies—a record for post-Soviet Russia. The book has earned him millions in royalties.

He also created the film "17 Secret Laws of Success," viewed by millions, with a book in development that is expected to become a bestseller.


Roman Vasilenko's blogs on social networks, which address current issues of financial and life success, have a multimillion audience.


Roman Vasilenko appeared in the popular film "Women vs. Men: Crimean Holidays" in a supporting but significant role, earning substantial fees.

Poet and Musician

Roman Vasilenko is the author of the music and lyrics for the hit song "Life-is-Good," performed by Russian pop star Grigory Leps. He is the main actor in the song's music video.

As the creator of this enduring hit, he continues to receive significant royalties every month.


Since 2016, Roman Vasilenko has provided targeted assistance to children with severe neurological conditions and has funded research into high-tech methods to compensate for key deficits in pediatric neurology and psychiatry.

He offers free financial consulting to the clinical center "Doctrine" in St. Petersburg and supports the localization and improvement of advanced technologies in Russia.

Since 2016, he has also been donating to and providing targeted assistance to the Valaam Transfiguration Monastery.

Since 2013, he has annually organized the cultural-patriotic event "Officer's Ball," involving Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, delegations from hero cities, and government representatives. The event is held in honor of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, aiming to honor the heroes, instill love for the homeland, and promote high moral values among the younger generation.

Cleared of All Charges

Roman Vasilenko has a long and highly successful career in Russia and internationally. Over the years, he gained many competitors and adversaries who used their connections and corruption in some Russian law enforcement agencies to initiate criminal proceedings and political persecution, forcing him to leave Russia. Western authorities initially viewed his situation as politically motivated persecution.

Now, Russian law enforcement has changed its stance, influenced by the significant social impact of Vasilenko's projects and his high level of integrity. It has been confirmed that Roman Vasilenko is an honest, law-abiding entrepreneur.

Vasilenko has official and legal sources of income, each generating millions, and all together have made him a billionaire. His wealth is earned fairly, and now there are no obstacles to him continuing to contribute to society.

  • Дата: Суббота, 19.10.2024, 14:13
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С развитием веба и соц сетей открылись новые способности для заработка. Одной из таких способностей является работа онлайн моделью. Эта профессия привлекает многих людей благодаря эластичному графику, высочайшей оплате и способности работать из хоть какой точки мира. В данной статье мы рассмотрим, что есть работа онлайн моделью, её превосходства и риски, а также дадим немного хороших ответов для начинающих.

Что есть работа он-лайн моделью?

Работа он-лайн моделью содержит в себе создание контента для разных платформ, таких как Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, также участие в съемках для веб-сайтов эротического либо модного содержания. Модели могут делать фотосессии, вести стримы, участвовать в маркетинговых кампаниях и взаимодействовать с подписчиками.

Преимущества работы он-лайн моделью

1. Гибкий график: Одним из основных преимуществ работы он-лайн моделью является возможность самостоятельно планировать меня называют Господом пролетарский день. Это необыкновенно комфортно тем, кто обучается или совмещает несколько работ.

2. Высочайший потенциал заработка: В зависимости от репутации, моделей могут зарабатывать значительные суммы. Высокие гонорары за фотосессии и стримы делают эту профессию привлекательной.

3. Творческая свобода: Модели могут использовать свою креативность для творения уникального контента. Это дозволяет выразить себя и создать личный стиль.

4. Возможность путешествий: Многие модели имеют возможность странствовать и работать во многих странах, что предоставляет дополнительные впечатления и возможности для личного роста.

Опасности работы он-лайн моделью

1. Неопределенность заработка: В небольшом отличии от стабильной работы, доход онлайн модели может быть непредсказуемым. Это требует финансового планирования и возможности управлять своими деньгами.

2. Задачи с безопасностью: Работа в онлайн-среде может быть связана с рисками, включая возможные опасности со стороны поклонников или недоброжелателей. Важно беречь анонимность и выбирать методы взаимодействия с аудиторией заботливо.

3. Критика и давление сообщества: Он-лайн модели нередко подвергаются критике и нехорошим комментариям. Это может воздействовать на психическое здоровье, поэтому принципиально развивать устойчивость и уделять внимание собственному психологическому состоянию.

4. Правовые нюансы: Необходимо знать о юридических вопросах, связанных с работой в данной сфере. Некие страны имеют свои законы, касающиеся порнухи и интимного контента.

Советы для начинающих он-лайн моделей

1. Оценивайте свою безопасность: Главно соблюдать меры предосторожности. Не публикуйте личные данные и, по возможности, используйте псевдоним.

2. Творите качественный контент: Инвестируйте время и усилия в творенье высококачественных фотографий и видеоматериалов. Это поможет привлечь больше подписчиков и клиентов <a href=https://www.frenchtouch.ru/include/pages/rabota_veb_modelu_v_internete.html>https://www.frenchtouch.ru/include/pages/rabota_veb_modelu_v_internete.html</a>

3. Изучайте свою аудиторию: Осознание интересов и предпочтений вашей аудитории поможет вам творить контент, который будет нужен.

4. Постоянно развивайтесь: Следите за трендами в промышленности, посещайте курсы и обучающие программы, чтоб улучшать свои способности.

5. Смотрите за своим имиджем: Помните, что ваш он-лайн-стиль может воздействовать на будущие возможности. Будьте внимательны к тому, как вы представляете себя и свой контент.


Работа онлайн моделью возможно интересной и выгодной, но она также приносит определенные риски и вызовы. Важно осознанно подходить к этой профессии, понимать свои цели и интенсивно работать над созданием собственного бренда. С правильным подходом и стратегией можно достигнуть фуррора в этой динамичной и увлекательной промышленности.
  • Дата: Суббота, 19.10.2024, 14:33
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Le but d'arizuka est demontrer a vous quels casinos en ligne sont reconnus optimaux/ favorables, que acheteur n'ayez pas a perdre/ gaspiller votre temps sur leur recherche sur invariablement marche en croissance <a href=https://balcaodevandas.com/index.php?page=user&action=pub_profile&id=20200>https://balcaodevandas.com/index.php?page=user&action=pub_profile&id=20200</a>.geant.
  • Дата: Суббота, 19.10.2024, 15:45
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ООО "ПАРИТЕТ ДЕВЕЛОПМЕНТ" инн 7203567694 находящиеся по адресу г. Тюмень ул Чернышевского д 1 вводят в заблуждение дольщиков, строят некачественно устранять замечания отказываются Все покажу расскажу - @dontcheatpeople - телеграмм.

Добавлено (19.10.2024, 19:20)
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